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Baby, Infant and Child

Zatogrip Baby 1+ syrup 120ml


Brand: Lekam, Series:

Earn 15 points upon purchasing this product.

Raspberry flavored syrup for children over 1 year of age.

Preparation for dietary management in the following states:
 flu and colds
 rhinitis and sinusitis
 middle ear infections

ZATOGRIP baby has double strength thanks to the combination of plant extracts from African geranium root and elderberry fruit. Additionally, the plant extracts of ZATOGRIP baby syrup support the respiratory system by alleviating the symptoms of cough and sore throat1, as well as providing relief in case of irritation of the mouth and larynx.2 The ingredients of ZATOGRIP baby syrup also support the body in the proper functioning of the immune system.3


ZATOGRIP baby has double strength thanks to the combination of plant extracts from African geranium root and elderberry fruit. Additionally, the plant extracts of ZATOGRIP baby syrup support the respiratory system by alleviating the symptoms of cough and sore throat1, as well as providing relief in case of irritation of the mouth and larynx.2 The ingredients of ZATOGRIP baby syrup also support the body in the proper functioning of the immune system.

How To Use
How to use:

1 teaspoon (5 ml) 2 times a day, in the morning and early afternoon. Depending on your individual needs, your doctor may recommend a different portion to consume.


Syrop glukozowo-fruktozowy, woda, ekstrakt z owoców czarnego bzu (Sambucus nigra), ekstrakt z owoców aceroli (Malpighia punicifolia), regulator kwasowości - kwas cytrynowy, aromat malinowy, ekstrakt z korzenia pelargonii afrykańskiej (Pelargonium sidoides), cynk (mleczan cynku), sproszkowane owoce malin, witamina D (cholekalcyferol).

Hazards and Cautions
Hazards and cautions:

Do not use in case of hypersensivity to any of the ingredients.

Contents of the package:

120 ml

Important information
Information for the consumer:

Suplement diety nie może być stosowany jako substytut (zamiennik) zróżnicowanej diety i zdrowego trybu życia. Przechowywać w temperaturze pokojowej, w suchym miejscu, w sposób niedostępny dla małych dzieci.

Always read the label before use.

Product code:

LEK AM Sp. z.o.o.
Al. Jana Pawła II 80
00-175 Warszawa


Always read the patient information on the leaflet or packaging. It will give you important information about your medicine.


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Mon - Fri
9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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Polonia Pharmacy
Unit 4, Kings Court
49 North King Street, Dublin, D07 TX23

(01) 874 7440

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